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четверг, августа 07, 2008

Панорамы ! 360 Градусов (Путешествуем дома)

About 360 Cities

Travel guides until recently, whether in printed form or on the web, have been the standard place to start for travellers planning a trip. But new developments in interactive visualization as well as wide-scale use of broadband internet have created new possibilities for travelling the world in immersive form. Although we now possess the technology to open up and step inside images and experience them in an exciting, new way, few websites currently exploit this opportunity.

360cities.net has been launched to bring the full spectrum of the immersive, virtual reality experience to the web. 360 Cities' VR photography city guides are the next best thing to being there, to being there. Choosing from thousands of panoramic images in our large and growing collection, visitors can step inside and turn around. Users are able much better to experience the reality rather than the marketing. Whether doing travel research or simply exploring what's new on one of our many city sites, we're sure you'll find something of interest on 360 Cities.

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